The Shopper

Shopping is fun even if I don't get anything
The Traveler
The Chiller

This might not be the best picture to showcase the various activities that I enjoy; however, chilling out is an activity and it is something that I am extremely good at.
The Impersonator
The Baby Seal
Princess Lea
The Massager
The Player
The Swimmer

I love to swim! It took me a long time to get used to swimming because it was a little scary. But now I love to cool off in a nice pool. I usually take a couple vacations a year with my friends so that we can hang out, BBQ, and swim.
The Waiter

I'll wait forever for the one I love to come home.
The Rider

I love to stick my face out the window when I go for rides in the car. It feels great, except when a bug gets in my eye. TEE HEE
The Swinger

OK, the activity doesn't sound as exciting as the title, but I do enjoy swinging on a beautiful day.
The Navigator

I'm like most mammals, I love to be outside and I love to explore new places with my friends. I've been on many vacations and have experiences that I'll cherish forever. Here I am helping my friend navigate the waters of Big Bear Lake.
The Walker

I absolutely love to go for walks! This is the first way to steal my heart (the second is food). I like to walk in the park or by the lake, or pretty much anywhere that is safe. I always use my leash so that my friends cannot get away from me. They like to wonder sometimes. I typically go on 2 to 4 walks a day. It doesn't seem enough but I stay healthy and fit. I always walk on the pathways but I do like to play in the grass too. When I get home, I know I have to sit by the door until my feet are cleaned. This way, I don't get dirt on the carpet or furniture
The Sleeper

Sometimes a good nap helps to revive me. This is how you know I feel safe and comfortable. Tee hee to the photographer!
The Worker

I work for a software company and go to work every day. Part of my job includes keeping out solicitors, spreading love, and reducing stress. The best way to teach is by example and this picture is a good example of how to reduce stress in the work place.
The Runner

I love to be chased! Run run run! Just try to catch me if you can :)
The Camper

I love to go camping. I'm not afraid of coyotes either as long as I have my friends to protect me. It is hard to find a comfortable place to go to the bathroom in the desert but the inconvenience is worth all the fun I have. Plus, I get to sleep on an air mattress
The Snuggler

Some of you may not consider snuggling an activity, but ask anyone who has snuggled with me! I was bred to love and I am a great snuggler.
The Beggar

It's not really begging. Just look into my sweet eyes - you are feeling drowsy - you can't eat all that food alone - you feel like dropping a delicious morsel - and I am here to help gobble it up before it attracts ants!
I love to eat all my food and then see what deliciousness you are eating. I don't mind a taste either but don't feed me fatty, greasy, or spicy stuff!
I love to eat all my food and then see what deliciousness you are eating. I don't mind a taste either but don't feed me fatty, greasy, or spicy stuff!
The Piano Teacher

I'm very talented and love to teach my many skills. However, I cannot perform miracles with humans who play piano with 2 fingers. Tee Hee!