I don't like getting my haircut. I especially don't like to have my legs brushed or have the hair cut. They are sensitive. But, if you are nice, I'll
I like my new vet. Her name is Dr. Keng and she works at Irvine Vet Services at University Park. I saw her once before when a bee stung me on my paw. She is so nice and knowledgeable. She explains everything in detail and will spend as much time as needed to answer questions. I wanted to get a urine test to make sure I don't have any bladder problems like my son has. I was shaking so much because the last vet yanked out some of my teeth while I was asleep. But instead of having me stand on a table, she came in and sat with me and spent about 30-40 minutes talking about my history and explaining all kinds of things. It seems that she researches things well. I've had a lot of good vets, but she is superior in my opinion. I almost want to go back soon but I guess it is better if I stay healthy and am not in a rush to return. I'm so lucky to have people who care about me. :)
Afterwards, I went to Sunny Spot in Venice for lunch. We sat in the patio area in the back, which is enclosed. That is nice because Venice is populated by a lot of people who have money but don't like to bathe - or at least they like to look that way. It's their schtick. It was really HOT on the patio. The brunch menu is really small but the food was pretty good. Then we walked along the canal. It was fun and there are a LOT of really nice houses I had a non-anesthesia teeth cleaning today so that my teeth don't rot and have to be pulled like my son Polo's were last week. It was still scary. I never know what they are going to do when I go to the vet. They wrapped me and cleaned my teeth really well. See how clean they are below! My breath smells good too. TEE HEE!
Operation TimePolo is having an operation today to remove some bladder stones. While he is under anesthesia, he'll be having his teeth worked on as well. His teeth are really bad and a couple years ago when he was at the dentist, they extracted about 10 teeth! Shocking. Prior to the surgery, he had to have his heart checked because he has a heart murmur that has worsened. He went to a cardiologist at the VCA and has had to take medication to get it under control. Good luck in surgery my son! I wish you the best. It will be a while until we can play again, but hopefully soon. I hope you are not too scared today. Your loving father, Badger Update 1Polo's operation was a success and he is home now. He'll have to be on a special diet from now on to limit his protein as this is one of the causes of bladder stones. The vet removed some bladder stone(s) and has sent them to be analyzed. Polo is now recovering from this and his dental work. The witch (I mean vet) said, after examining his teeth, that he would need two teeth pulled. While he was under, she pulled eleven - ONE ONE - teeth from his head. The last time she did dental work on him, she said he would need one tooth pulled and pulled ten - ONE ZERO. I understand how there can be some issues that can't be detected until the work is being performed, but this is what one can expect when having an ordinary vet do dentistry when it is not her specialty nor is certified. I haven't seen Polo yet but will post some pictures when I get them. Update 2 with PicturesAndy took my son, Polo, and I to the vet today to have our teeth examined. I had been knocked out in November and the vet yanked my two front teeth. Luckily, I have the rest of my teeth. It sure did make eating string cheese fun for a while because it kept slipping between my missing teeth! I must say, that was not a good experience. I am frightened when I go to the vet now. Who knows what they will do to me while I am asleep!
Although I started having my teeth brushed nightly, tarter builds up quickly. I am going to need a non-anesthetic cleaning pretty soon. I don't like having that done, but it is better than waiting too long and then having to be put to sleep. Polo's teeth are not too good and he will need to be put to sleep to have some dental work done. I hope that goes well and I hope the vet can save his teeth. Sorry, you might have inherited that from me. I wish you the best. |
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